Friday, July 13, 2012

Saturday, December 18, 2010

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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sunset at Piazza Michelangelo

slowly it sunk behind
the mountain's shoulder
streaking the sky orange and yellow
but all i can think about is how it's
already been 8 and 1/2 minutes gone

and the sunset conversations others have

and where the sun is spinning to next


Il treno
slender trees protruding from a lush green hillside
surrounded by wider broccoli trees
sporatic nature and organized crops combine to form a topographical quilt
green, brown, and variations of the two

sailboats inch nearer
bringing with them the wave
the sea catches debris
some natural some man made (salvataggio)

father and child cross legged
playing "football" with their heads
a little girl topless
dressed like her male counterparts
a grown women topless
with her eyes fixed on me as i passed

i stood
drew an image with my toes

i've seen more authenticity here
than i have all holiday

Friday, May 28, 2010

Cinque Terre

A body of water
Where blue meets blue
(venti cinque) twenty-five minutes to the next town

i wanted to suck the nectur but another bee beat me to it
Agave grows from these rocks

Accordian music
through a graffiti ridden tunnel
next to the Terranian green Sea
he places a happy meal box for change and
to attract tourists

everyone walks alone
no matter how large your group
with their pair of eyes
and sets of legs
it's wonderfully inconvenant
alone among friends

Next Town

Shiny water resembling glass or melted sugar
crashes on sedimentary rock

the oceans keep beat
just always slightly different
and though it is recognizable
it will never be monotonous

I could tell you how far I walked
or how long it took me
but counting my heartbeats
measures the journey more accurately
this view is worth it

the heat of the rock baked sun
warms my backside and I take in what I can
five shades of blue
and foam white
whiter than the clouds

the water kisses the cliffs and sings
swoosh swisshh
and other times roars

Terranian Sea

firefly firecrackers dancing
shimmering on her outer skin
he jumps
he swims
i lie on this body of rock

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Santa Caterina de Seinna

Her heart's in one city
her finger in another
everyone wants a piece of her
she just wanted peace
and the pope to return to the holy city

Artsy Fartsy: in Italy

pepperconi noodles
marinated chicken in white wine, olive oil, basil, and balsamic
garlic rested in ice chest
while we cruised the streets
this was our last supper

Andre del Castagno (painter)